Thursday, March 31, 2011

4Q: Blog Assignment #37 / Fav. Movies

Hey Jr. Publishers,

Here's blog assignment #37:
1) Make a list of your top 5 favorite movies
2) Write 1 paragraph (5 sentences) about each movie & why you like it
3) Post a picture of each movie to your blog as "Blog assignment #37/ 5 Fav. Movies"

Have fun!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

4Q: Blog Assignment #36 / Fav. Bands

Here's blog assignment #36:
1) Make a list of your top 5 favorite bands
2) Write 1 paragraph (5 sentences) about each band & why you like their music.
3) Post a picture of each band to your blog as "Blog assignment #36/ 5 Fav. Bands"

Have fun!

Monday, March 28, 2011

4Q: Blog Assignment #35 / My Weekend

Hey Jr. Publishers,

Here's blog assignment #35:

1) Write a 4-paragraph (5-7 sent each) summary of your weekend (your blogs are very entertaining by the way. You should read each other's blogs when you get a chance)
2) Write down 10 goals for you to accomplish by the end of the school year.
3) Post to blog as "blog assignment #35/My Weekend"

Have fun!

Friday, March 25, 2011

4Q: Blog Assignment #34 / National Geographic

Hey Jr. Publishers,
Here is blog assignment #34:
1) Find 3 articles that interest you on
2) Read the articles
3) Post the title, web link, and 5 W's and H of each to your blog.

Post this blog: Blog #34/National Geographic

Have Fun!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

4Q: Blog Assignment #33/Foreign News

Here is blog assignment #33:

1) Find 3 articles that interest you on
2) Read the articles
3) Post the title, web link, and 5 W's and H of each to your blog.
4) Find 3 articles that interest you on
5) Read the articles
6) Post the title, web link, and 5 W's and H of each to your blog.
7) Find 3 articles that interest you on
8) Read the articles
9) Post the title, web link, and 5 W's and H of each to your blog.

Have fun, let me know if you have any questions,

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

4Q: Blog Assignment #32/What's In the News

Hey Jr. Publishers,

Here is your assignment today:

1) Find 3 articles that interest you on
2) Read the articles
3) Post the title, web link, and 5 W's and H of each to your blog.
4) Find 3 articles that interest you on
5) Read the articles
6) Post the title, web link, and 5 W's and H of each to your blog.

Post this assignment as: Blog 32/What's In the News"

Monday, March 14, 2011

4Q: Blog Assign 31 / Choice Feature

Hey Jr. Publishers,

Here is your blog assignment today:

1) Write a 6-paragraph feature story on the topic of your choice (5-7 sentences each paragraph)
2) Post this to your blog as "blog assignment #31/My Choice Feature".

**Continue to work on your April Newspaper article**

Have Fun!

4Q: Blog Assign 30 / Favorite Web-sites

Hey Jr. Publsihers,

Here's blog assignment #30:
1) Make a list of 10 websites you visit often.
2) Under each website, write 5 sentences about why you visit that website.
3) Post to blog as "blog assignment #30/10 Fav. Web-sites".

Have a great day!

4Q: Blog Assign #29 / Facebook

Hey Jr. Publishers!

Here's blog assignment #29:

1) Write a 5 paragraph (5-7 sentences each) feature story on Facebook.
2) What is it? Why do we use it? How do we use it? When do we use it? How's it beneficial? How can it be harmful? Really put some thought into your feature story.
3) Post to blog as "Blog assignment #29/Facebook"

Have fun,
Mrs. A

4Q: Blog Assign #28 / Current News

Hey Jr High Publishers!

Here's blog assignment #28:

1) Find 20 pictures online that you feel reflect what's in the news right now
2) Post to your blog as "blog assignment #28/Current News Photos"
**Hint: Search and the local news programs web-sites**

**Continue working on your April Newspaper article!**

Happy News-ing!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

3Q: 3/3/11 *April Lion's Cub*

Hey Jr. Publishers:

After our meeting today re: feedback from other students on the paper, you will begin to work on your April Newspaper article.

As always...have fun!