Friday, January 28, 2011

3Q: Blog Assignment #17/More E-News

Hey Jr. Publishers,

Here is blog assignment #17

1) Post 5 more wacky "e-how" topics to your blog, titled "Blog#17 More E-how"
2) Post 5 phrases having to do with the eighties to your blog
3) Post 5 pictures having to do with the eighties to your blog
4) Comment on 3 other students' e-how or eighties blogs

Have fun!

3Q: Blog Assignment #16/Wacky News

Hey Journalism Students!

Note: You should have blog assignments completed.

Here's blog assignment # 16:

1) Go to

2) Watch the video about "e-how"

3) Go to

4) Find 15 WACKY/ODD "how to" topics on this site.

5) Post them to your blog, titled "blog assignment #16: Happy News/Wacky"

Have fun exploring!

3Q: Blog Assignment #15/Africa

Hey Jr Publishers,

Here is blog assignment #15:

1) Go to
2) Watch 3 of the videos
3) Post a 1-paragraph summary (5-7 sentences each) about each video
4) Title it "blog assignment #15: Africa/Storytelling"

Have fun learning about another culture!

3Q: Blog Assignment #14/Media Crossing the Line

Here is your blog assignment #14:

1) Find 2 stories online where you feel media crossed the line (think celebrities/lack of privacy). Consider the following while you're searching for your stories:

How Much Is Too Much?
How Important is Privacy in Media?
Are Media Outlets Accountable for their Actions?
How Is Privacy Respected in the Media (or is it)?
Would you say that we live in a media-frenzied world?

2) Post a 2-paragraph feature story about your findings/opinion on the matter. Title it "blog assignment #14: Media"

Friday, January 21, 2011

3Q: Blog Assignment #13 / Decl of Independence

Hey Jr Publishers!

Here is blog assignment #13:

Find a copy of the Declaration of Independence online. Read it and answer the following questions.

Declaration of Independence Questions:

1. Find a copy of the Declaration of Independence online and review it for its main ideas. How are the core values of American democracy incorporated into the Declaration?

2. Throughout these core values, the relationship between citizen and government is described.What responsibilities does the government have to honoring these core values?What responsibilities do individual citizens have to preserve these core values?

3. How might some or all of these core values be important to the preservation of a free and independent press?

4. Identify the core values of American constitutional democracy that allow private citizens to collect, edit and further distribute information to others and how the values help drive these actions.

5. What responsibilities do producers of information have to these core values and their fellow citizens when distributing information?

Post to your blog, titled "Blog Assignment #13: Declaration of Independence"

3Q: Blog Assignment #12 / M. Antoinette

Hey Jr. Publishers,

Here is blog assignment #12:

1) Write a feature story on Marie Antoinette (3 paragraphs, 5-7 sentences each). Who was she? What did she do? Why is she important in history? Your thoughts on her life? What are some of her quotes? (Please do not copy and paste information, put it in your own beautiful words)

2) Post your feature story to your blog, titled "Blog Assignment #12-M.Antoinette"

3) Post 5 pictures pertaining to Marie's life to your blog.

Have fun!

3Q: Blog Assignment #11 / 3 News Stories

Hey Jr. Publishers! This will be three separate posts !

Here is blog assignment #11:

1) Go to
2) Find 3 stories that interest you
3) Post the 5 W's and H of each to your blog, titled "blog assignment #11 - part 1"

4) Go to
5) Find 3 stories that interest you
6) Post the 5 W's and H of each to your blog, titled "blog assignment #11 - part 2"

7) Go to
8) Find 3 stories that interest you
9) Post the 5 W's and H of each to your blog, titled "blog assignment #11 - part 3"

Have fun!

3Q: Blog Assignment 10/George Mueller

Hey Jr. Publishers,

Here is blog assignment #10:

1) Write a feature story on George Muller (3 paragraphs, 5-7 sentences each). Who was he? What did he do? Why is he important in history? Your thoughts on his life? What are some of his quotes?

2) Post your feature story to your blog, titled "Blog Assignment #10 / G.Muller"

3) Post 5 pictures pertaining to Muller's life to your blog.

Have fun!

3Q: Blog Assignment #9/Your Person/Topic

Hey Jr. Publishers,

Here is blog assignment #9

1) Write a feature story on the topic/person you are assigned. Give me the 5 W's and H in your story. The feature story should be light, entertaining, informative and 2 paragraphs (5-7 sentences each).
2) Post your feature story to your blog, titled "Blog Assignment #9-Your peron/topic"
3) Post 5 pictures about your topic to your blog.

Topic Assignments:

Tyler - Carman (the Christian rap artist)
Kayla - Maya Angelou
Julian - Saved By the Bell Cast - where are they now?
Alex - Dangerous Fish
Travis - What is Pixar working on now
Markia - Things to do at Disney World
Samuel - Teen Challenge USA
Alexis - Current Broadway Musicals
Andrew - Space Camp @ NASA

Have fun!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

3Q: Blog Assignment #8/ 3 Websites

Here blog assignment #8: (this may take you more than one class period)

1. Go to
2. Give me the 5 W's and H of this website. Your thoughts? Post 5 pics from this website to your blog.

3. Go to
4. Decorate your google homepage and set as homepage on the computer.

5. Go to
6. Give me the 5 W's and H of this website. Your thoughts?
7. Post 5 pics from this website to your blog.

Have fun!

3Q: Blog Assignment #7/MessMaker

Here is blog assignment #7: (this may take more than one class period)

1. Go to *If doesn't work, skip*
2. Make a MESS
3. Download your MESS, Save as a JPEG, and Post to your blog!

4. Go to
5. Post 10 of your favorite pictures to your blog. Post the 5 W's and H of this website to your blog.

6. Go to
7. Give me the 5 W's and H of this website. Post it to your blog titled Blog Assignment #7/MessMaker.
8. Post a bird, plant, fish, and mammal picture from this site to your blog.

3Q: Blog Assignment #6/Smilebox

Here is blog assignment #6:

1. Go to

2. Click on "Scrapbooks". Each of you will need to create a scrapbook. It can be a scrapbook about you, your family, your friends, or even a theme

3. You will need to add pictures, text & and music to your scrapbook. Remember, always select the FREE designs and music!

4. E-mail your Smilebox scrapbook to me. (

5. Post a 2-paragraph summary about your smilebox to your blog, titled "Blog Assignment #6: Smilebox"

Have fun, and let me know if you have any questions!

3Q: Blog Assignment #5/NEWS

Hey Jr High Publishers: due Monday 1/1/11

1) Find 5 news articles online about NEWS on

2) Post the 5 W's and H of each article to your blog (Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?)
3) Post to your blog as "Blog Assignment #5/NEWS"

3Q: Blog Assignment #4/Flickr

Here's blog assignment #4: due Thursday 1/13/11
1) Go to
2) Click on "Explore"
3) Find 15 pictures that you like.
4) Save them to your desktop.
5) Post them to your blog, one at at time, titled "Picture #1, 2, etc".
6) Include a 1-paragraph summary with each picture explaining WHY you like that picture.

Have fun!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

3Q: Blog Assignment #3/BCS Lion's Cub Article

Hey Jr. Publishers!

1/19/11: Added: due by Friday
Andrew: Valentine's Day Balloon Sale
Alexis: Top 5 Books
Travis: Top 5 Video Games
Alex: Cartoon
Julian: Cars
Tyler: Chocolate
Sam: LSU Baseball Schedule
Kayla: Roses (Color Significance)
Markia: Cartoon

It's about that time to start working on our January/February Lion's Cub paper! Below you will find your assignment. Remember your work will be seen by the entire school! Maintain a spirit of excellence and do your best. This assignment is due by next Wednesday, January 19th. Our publishing date will be Feb 1, 2011.

Title this Assignment: Blog Assignment #3/Lion's Cub Article

Andrew: Tongue Twisters, Animal/Penguins: write an article using facts.
Tyler: Food for Thought, Eyes Wide Open (voice of the martyrs)
Alex: Animal Facts (not penguins), Technology (New Verizon version of the iphone)
Travis: Movie Review, History of Valentine's Day
Samuel: Survey, Interview with P.Ryan (Can do this on-line -
Kayla: Quote, Baton Rouge (some event going on or coming up of interest)
Alexis: Riddle, Note from Ms. Moise (can do on-line
Julian: Jokes, Article on the Mission Trip coming up to Romania. (can email Mrs. DeSalvo and Katelyn Persick - student going for info.)
Markia: Student's Voice, Valentine's Day recipes (2) fun/kid friendly

Monday, January 10, 2011

3Q:Blog Assignment #2 - Happy News

Here's blog assignment #2: due Monday 1/10/11

1. Go to
2. Post 10 of your favorite "puns" to your blog, titled "Blog Assignment #2-Puns
3. Go to
4. Post 10 new words and their definitions to your blog, titled "Blog Assignment #2-Dictionary"
5. Go to
6. Write a 2 paragraph (5-7 sentences each) about two articles that interest you and post it to your blog, titled "Blog Assignment #2-Happy News"

Friday, January 7, 2011

3Q:Blog Assignment #1/Autobiography

Before you get started on this assignment, know that ALL BLOG ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE THE DAY THEY ARE ASSIGNED! (very important)

Here is your first blog assignment: due Friday 1/7/11

1. Write a five paragraph autobiography. Include your full name.
2. Post your autobiography to your blog, titled "Blog Assignment #1/Autobiography"

A few notes about this class:

a. We're going to have a blast!
b. We're going to work hard.
c. We're going to work as a team.