Tuesday, January 11, 2011

3Q: Blog Assignment #3/BCS Lion's Cub Article

Hey Jr. Publishers!

1/19/11: Added: due by Friday
Andrew: Valentine's Day Balloon Sale
Alexis: Top 5 Books
Travis: Top 5 Video Games
Alex: Cartoon
Julian: Cars
Tyler: Chocolate
Sam: LSU Baseball Schedule
Kayla: Roses (Color Significance)
Markia: Cartoon

It's about that time to start working on our January/February Lion's Cub paper! Below you will find your assignment. Remember your work will be seen by the entire school! Maintain a spirit of excellence and do your best. This assignment is due by next Wednesday, January 19th. Our publishing date will be Feb 1, 2011.

Title this Assignment: Blog Assignment #3/Lion's Cub Article

Andrew: Tongue Twisters, Animal/Penguins: write an article using facts.
Tyler: Food for Thought, Eyes Wide Open (voice of the martyrs)
Alex: Animal Facts (not penguins), Technology (New Verizon version of the iphone)
Travis: Movie Review, History of Valentine's Day
Samuel: Survey, Interview with P.Ryan (Can do this on-line - ryan.rice@bethany.com
Kayla: Quote, Baton Rouge (some event going on or coming up of interest)
Alexis: Riddle, Note from Ms. Moise (can do on-line kathy.moise@mybcsmail.com)
Julian: Jokes, Article on the Mission Trip coming up to Romania. (can email Mrs. DeSalvo and Katelyn Persick - student going for info.)
Markia: Student's Voice, Valentine's Day recipes (2) fun/kid friendly

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