Wednesday, February 23, 2011

3Q: Blog Assignment #27 / Biblegateway

Hey Jr Publishers,

1) Read Romans 8:28 (go to to look up the scripture)
2) Find 10 pictures online that you feel reflect this scripture
3) Post to your blog as "blog assignment #27 part 1"

4) Read 1 Peter 5:7
5) Find 10 pictures online that you feel reflect this scripture
6) Post to your blog as "blog assignment #27 part 2"

Have fun!

3Q: Blog Assignment 26 / NYTimes Travel

Hey Jr. Publishers:

Go to the New York Times Newspaper Travel Section at:

Study the 3 locations under the "Featured Destination Guides"

Post a paragraph and pictures on each location.

Which place would you most like to visit? Write a paragraph telling me why.
Title your blog: Blog Assign #26 / NYTimes Travel

Have fun!
Mrs. A

3Q: Blog Assignment #25 / Sarah Palin

Here's blog assignment #25:
1) Write a 5-paragraph (5-7 sentences each) feature story on Sarah Palin (be sure to put it in your own words!)
2) Post 10 pictures of Sarah Palin (younger years and older years)
3) Post to blog as "blog assignment #25/Sarah Palin"

You will also need to interview 5 different people to get feed back on the March Lion's Cub issue. This is for a grade. Take good notes and turn it in tomorrow!

Have fun!
Mrs. A

3Q: Blog Assignment #24 / Countries

Hey Jr Publishers!

Here's your blog assignment for today:
1) Find 3 news websites from 3 different countries of your choice
2) Find an interesting story about that culture on their news website
3) Post the 5 W's and H of each story to your blog
4) Title it "blog assignment #24/3 Countries"

Have fun!
Mrs. A

3Q: Blog Assignment #23 / Teen/Kid Feature

Hey Jr. Publishers:

Go to and click on the Feature tab. On this tab is a section called Teens/kids.

Read the articles and choose three of them to write a (5-7 sentence) paragraph on each one of them. Why did you choose the individual article? What made it interesting for you? Was the author's style of writing easy to read?

Have fun!

3Q: Blog Assignment #22 / High School Newspapers

Here is blog assignment #22: Please post title as "BA 22 / High School Newspapers

1) You are a reporter for your secondary school newspaper. Search the web for other high schools with newspapers (state-wide, nation-wide, or internationally).

2) Find at least 5 schools with high school newspapers. For each school, post:
a. Name and location of school
b. Name of the newspaper
c. If they have a website, the web address.
d. Any other lagniappe info about the newspaper.

Have fun!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

3Q: Blog Assignment #21 / Monet

Hey Jr. Publishers:

One of my fondest memories is of strolling through the home and gardens of Claude Monet, the famous French artist. The art galleries of Paris were a delight as well. Currently, an art exhibition is being held in Paris for Monet at the Galeries Nationales, Grand Palais.
I want to you go to and browse the exhibit. Study the life and art of Claude Monet.
Write a three paragraph essay on his life and his home in Giverny, France. Post five of his paintings to your blog (at least one of his home and water gardens.) Title your blog: Blog Assign #21/Monet.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

3Q: Blog Assignment #20 / America

Hey Jr Publishers!

Here's blog assignment #20:

1. Find 5 pictures that portray America's past (pick what you feel are the biggest moments in America's history - people, places, or things). Post these pictures to your blog. Write a paragraph (5-7 sentences) summary on America's past (in your own words). Post to blog.

2. Find 5 pictures that portray America's present (pick what you feel are the biggest things going on in our nation right now - people, places, or things). Post these pictures to your blog. Write a paragraph (5-7 sentences) summary on America's present. Post to blog.

3. Find 5 pictures that portray America's future (where do you think we're headed? show me in pictures - people, places, or things). Post these pictures to your blog. Write a 1 paragraph summary on America's future. Where do you think we're headed? Post to blog.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

3Q: Tuesday 2/15/11 *Lion's Cub Article

Hey Jr. Publishers: Today you should be finalizing your Lion's Cub Article and posting it to the google account documents.

Have fun!

Mrs. A

Friday, February 11, 2011

3Q: Blog Assignment 19 / Tony Curtis & John Wayne

Hey Jr. Publishers: For your assignment I want you to log on to the Los Angeles Times Newspaper and other sites and research the life of Tony Curtis and John Wayne. In your own words write two - 2 paragraph essays on each of their lives. Include details about their birth, education, family life, and film life. No copy/paste!

Post at least five (5) pictures of each to your blog!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

3Q: Blog Assignment #18 / Obama

Hey Jr. Publishers:

1) Research the internet for information on our President, Barack Obama.
2) Post a 5-paragraph feature story to your blog about his life (think family, background, college education, responsibilities as president, etc.)
3) Make sure it's in your own words.
4) Post to your blog, titled "blog assignment #18: Obama"
5) Post a picture of the president and his family to your blog as well.

Have fun!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

3Q: March Lion's Cub Assignments

Hey Jr. Publishers:

Great job on the Valentine's Issue!!! We've had good, positive feedback from the articles!!!

Now....Let's prepare for the March issue. See below for your assignments. They are due Friday, February 18th. Post them to the shared account in

Andrew: Animal Facts and Go-Gree: Eco-Friendly Tips for Kids
Tyler: Jokes, and Note from Moise
Alex: Riddles and Hybrid Cars
Travis: Movie Review and Lazarus Project
Samuel: Mardi Gras and Eyes Wide Open
Kayla: St. Patrick's Day and Comics & Games for Fun Sheet
Alexis: King Cake Survey/Triva about the Largest KC and Students' Voice
Julian: Interview with Paul Brill (Surge Project) and Tongue Twisters
Markia: Serve-A-Thon and Book Review (Tunnels)
Mrs. A: Terra Novas and LSU March Baseball Home Games

Have fun!!!