Wednesday, February 16, 2011

3Q: Blog Assignment #20 / America

Hey Jr Publishers!

Here's blog assignment #20:

1. Find 5 pictures that portray America's past (pick what you feel are the biggest moments in America's history - people, places, or things). Post these pictures to your blog. Write a paragraph (5-7 sentences) summary on America's past (in your own words). Post to blog.

2. Find 5 pictures that portray America's present (pick what you feel are the biggest things going on in our nation right now - people, places, or things). Post these pictures to your blog. Write a paragraph (5-7 sentences) summary on America's present. Post to blog.

3. Find 5 pictures that portray America's future (where do you think we're headed? show me in pictures - people, places, or things). Post these pictures to your blog. Write a 1 paragraph summary on America's future. Where do you think we're headed? Post to blog.

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