Wednesday, April 20, 2011

4Q: Blog Assignment #48 & #49/Glog Profile

Here's blog assignment #48 and 49

Create a mock social media profile (a Glog page). Here's what you need to do - create a real Glog page for the person you are assigned, including profile pictures, photo albums, interests, birthday, schools attended, etc. After you create the Glog, post the link on a Blog #48-49/ Research Glog. Email me the link also ( . See below for who you are assigned:

Social Media Profile Assignments:

Andrew A. - CS Lewis (author)
Tyler B - Dorothea Lange
Alex B - MacGyver (TV character)
Travis C - J. Hudson Taylor (missionary)
Samuel G - Jane Austen (author)
Kayla K - Luke Skywalker
Alexis M - Steve Carell (actor)
Julian S - Mrs. Clause (Santa's wife)
Markia - Alice Walker (author)

Have a wonderful time!

4Q: Blog Assignment #47 / Times Picayune-NO

Hey Jr. Publishers:

1. Research the following link! Pick 5 topics that interest you and write a paragraph for each topic. Type the Topic at the beginning of each paragraph. Title this Blog #47 / The Times Picayune-NO

2. Compare the papers that you have studied (i.e. La Times/Chicago Sun Times, etc) on how they are reporting the incident with Osama Ben Lauden. Write a two paragraph essay on the similarities/differences on the report styles.

Have Fun!

4Q: Blog Assignment #46 / Chicago Sun Times

Hey Jr. Publishers:

1. We will begin at the desks to discuss your final exam.

2. Research the following link! Pick 5 topics that interest you and write a paragraph for each topic. Type the Topic at the beginning of each paragraph. Title this Blog #46 / The Chicago Sun Times

Have Fun!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

4Q: Blog Assignment #45/La Times

Hey Jr. Publishers:

1. Email your corrected paper to Mrs. A so she can printout a final draft.

2. Research the following link! Pick 5 topics that interest you and write a paragraph for each topic. Type the Topic at the beginning of each paragraph. Title this Blog #45 / The LA Times

Have Fun!

Monday, April 18, 2011

4Q: Blog Assignment #44 / The BBC

Hey Jr. Publishers:

1. Email me your newspaper.

2. Research the following link! Pick 5 topics that interest you and write a paragraph for each topic. Type the Topic at the beginning of each paragraph. Title this Blog #44 / The BBC

Thursday, April 7, 2011

4Q: Blog Assignment #42 / Veteran's Day Glog

Hey Jr. Publishers: All newspaper stories should be loaded on the the shared document on our mybcsmail accout!!!

Assignment: Go to and create a glog about what Veteran's Day meant to you. You can upload phots, links, etc.

Post the URL onto your blog post! Title: Blog 42/Veteran's Day Glog

You have today and tomorrow to work on this!

For Assignment 43, you will be doing a glog on yourself. You will need to email yourself or save to a jump drive pictures of you and your family. Any that you will want to use!

Have fun!

Mrs. A

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

4Q: Blog Assignment 40-41 / Lion's Cub Articles

Here's blog #40-41:
1) Post 50 newspaper ideas to your blog
2) Pick 3 of those ideas
3) Write 3 feature stories (4 paragraphs, 5-7 sentences each)
4) Post each to your blog.
5) These are due by this week

Monday, April 4, 2011

4Q: Blog Assignment #39 / Fav. Hobbies

Hey Jr. Publishers,

Here's blog assignment #39:
1) Make a list of your top 5 favorite things to do (hobbies)
2) Write 1 paragraph (5 sentences) about each hobby & why you like to do it
3) Post a picture that represents each hobby and post to your blog as "Blog assignment #39/ 5 Fav. Hobbies"
4)Interview at least 2 Jr. Publishers to find out what their hobbies are. Research the hobbies online and post your findings to your blog.

Have fun!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Blog Assignment #38 / Fav. Books

Hey Jr. Publishers,

Here's blog assignment #38:
1) Make a list of your top 5 favorite books
2) Write 1 paragraph (5 sentences) about each book & why you like it
3) Post a picture of each book to your blog as "Blog assignment #38 / 5 Fav. Books"

As you finish, make sure that you go back and have completed all the blog assignments for this week!

Have fun!