Wednesday, April 20, 2011

4Q: Blog Assignment #48 & #49/Glog Profile

Here's blog assignment #48 and 49

Create a mock social media profile (a Glog page). Here's what you need to do - create a real Glog page for the person you are assigned, including profile pictures, photo albums, interests, birthday, schools attended, etc. After you create the Glog, post the link on a Blog #48-49/ Research Glog. Email me the link also ( . See below for who you are assigned:

Social Media Profile Assignments:

Andrew A. - CS Lewis (author)
Tyler B - Dorothea Lange
Alex B - MacGyver (TV character)
Travis C - J. Hudson Taylor (missionary)
Samuel G - Jane Austen (author)
Kayla K - Luke Skywalker
Alexis M - Steve Carell (actor)
Julian S - Mrs. Clause (Santa's wife)
Markia - Alice Walker (author)

Have a wonderful time!

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