Monday, May 9, 2011

4Q: Final Exam

Hey Jr. Publisher: It's hard to believe that 2010-2011 school year is almost over! We've had a great year so far.... You are a creative and talented group of students! It has been my privilege to be your instructor!!!

This week: You will be working on your Final Presentation which is due Monday, 5/16/11.

Titled: Blog 52 - Final 2010

Your presentation will need to include:

1. Read a Cover Story article found in Time Magazine this week. Research the situation and then write a three paragrah article describing the situation (do not cut and paste) from a Biblical world view. Include (5) pics that relate to the topic.

2. Create a 10 slide Kodak Photo Story to tell the following story:
----Andrew: Star Wars: Episode IV
----Tyler: Frosty the Snowman
----Alex: The Christmas Story (The Movie...not Jesus)
----Travis: The Hunger Games
----Samuel: The Diary of the Wimpy Kid (the book)
----Kayla: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
----Alexis: Jane Eyre (the book)
----Julian: Rudolf, the Red-Nosed Reindeer
----Markia: God's Creation (Then and Now)

3. Write a three paragraph essay/summary on one of the books on the NYTimes Best Seller's List. (do not cut/paste.) (Clear Intro, Body, Conclusion!) Include a copy of the book's cover.

4. A Glog on the author of this book (Include related pics, biograpical info, education, other works written, etc.) You should have at least six (6) links.
(i.e. author's web-site, the publisher's web-site, interview with the author found on you-tube or publisher's site, topic related articles, etc.)

5. Salvation: The greatest story ever told: Whatever creative medium you want to choose to present this will be fine.

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